List of the 38 Bach Flower Personality Archetypes

1) The Agrimony Personality - hide problems behind a cheerful face ..

This Personality often appears carefree and humorous, but their joie de vivre is a mask for anxieties worries and even real inner torment, which they may be trying to

conceal from them themselves as well as others. If in pain or discomfort, they are likely to joke about it, unwilling to express their real fears.

They dislike being alone and are very sociable, seeking company as a distraction. They try to ignore the darker side of life, and prefer to make light of things rather

than enter into confrontation. They may also suffer from restlessness at night, with churning thoughts ( also see Whits Chestnut )

Agrimony Personalities may suppress their discomfort with the aid of heavy drinking, or the use of drugs or comfort eating.

Benefits of Agrimony Flower Medicine:

- helps to communicate their real feelings openly

- Helps to accept that life has its less pleasant side

- Bring cheerfulness, which stems from a real sense of self-acceptance and inner peace and joy

- See problems in perspective

- Are diplomatic peace makers

2) The Aspen Personality - fears and worries of unknown origin ..

The Aspen Personality is seized by sudden fears or worries for no specific reason, and may therefore be generally nervy and anxious. A typical Aspen trait is for

waking in fear from a bad dream, even if the dream itself is forgotten. Aspen is helpful for young children experiencing nightmares and night terrors ( also see

Rock Rose ) Aspen fears can occur during the day or night - an inexplicable anxiety or sense of foreboding may strike when alone, or suddenly in the company of friends, and may be accompanied by trembling.

Benefits of the Aspen Flower Medicine:

- Helps in creating a state of inner peace, security and fearlessness

- Creates a desire for adventure and new experiences

3) The Beech Personality - Intolerant of others , critical ..

The Beech Personality makes constant criticism, is intolerant to other people’s shortcomings and is unable to make allowances. They find it hard to see the good

in others. They have a strong sense of their own superiority, can be judgemental and arrogant are easily irritated by other peoples mannerisms or habits. They are

convinced that they are always right and everyone else is wrong ( also see Impatiens ).

Benefits of the Beech Flower Medicine:

- helps to create tolerance and a sense of compassion for and unity with others

- Helps to see the good in others despite their imperfections

4) The Centaury Personality - weak-willed and easily led ..

This Personality finds it hard to say no. They let themselves be imposed on and even bullied by others. They are usually timid, quiet and rather passive, with little

strength of will. Anxious to please, they give in to others out of subservience rather than willing co-operation. Although dissatisfied with this state of affairs, they will

deny their own wishes or vocation rather than risk a confrontation. Anxious to ‘do the right thing’ they are easily influenced by what other people dictate.

Drained by others and and out of touch with their own assertiveness, they tend to lack energy and tire easily.

Benefits of the Centaury Flower Medicine:

- helps in serving willingly and unobtrusively, without denying their own needs

- They can express and stand by their own opinions

- They can mix well in company

- They are in touch with what they want and need and can follow their own path with determination and energy

5) The Cerato Personality - seek advice and confirmation from others ..

The Cerato Personality doesn’t trust its own judgement in decision-making. They actually know what they want and need, and although they have plenty of inner

wisdom and may be highly intuitive, they constantly seek advice and conformation from others and will misguidedly follow someone else’s advice rather than trust

themselves. When ill, they are likely to try a succession of treatments recommended by other people.

Benefits of the Cerato Flower Medicine:

- helps to trust your inner wisdom and follow it

- It brings self assurance and decisiveness so you can follow your true path

6) The Cherry Plum Personality - fear of loosing control ..

The Cherry Plum Personality may feel out of control and may feel like they are ready to explode. They are afraid of their violent impulses and may be abnormally

abusive and hysterical towards friends and family, exploding in sudden outbursts of rage.

Benefits of the Cherry Plum Flower Medicine:

- helps to calm the mind to allow the ability to think and act rationally

- In severe cases a good therapist is also recommended

7) The Chestnut Bud Personality - failure to learn from past mistakes ..

This Personality fails to learn by experience, which leads to an inability to make progress in life. They keep repeating the same mistakes, such as falling over and

over again for the wrong partner, or continuing to work in an unsuitable job. Instead of learning from past mistakes, this Personality try to forget them and

therefore have no basis on which to make future decisions. They may suffer recurrent ailments but never question why they keep returning and therefore fail to deal with the root cause.

Benefits of the Chestnut Bud Flower Medicine:

- helps to take full advantage of daily experiences and observe their mistakes objectively and learns from every experience

- Gains knowledge and wisdom so as to move forward in life

- Mentally active they learn from from others through observation

8) The Chicory Personality - possessive and over-protective ..

The Chicory Personality is overly possessive, self-centred and manipulative caring for others. They are strong willed and expect other people to conform to their

values; they may be critical, interfering and nagging. They find it hard to give without expecting anything in return. They dislike being alone and demand constant attention and service as duty: - typical is the possessively domineering parent who keeps adult children under their thumb. Although strong, they are self-pitying and easily offended. Some Chicory Personality types may feign illness in order to gain attention - eg the possessive parent who manifests ‘heart pains’ whenever a child tries to leave

home. They are often very talkative, opinionated and argumentative. - or children who make constant and unreasonable demands for attention.

Benefits of the Chicory Flower Medicine:

- helps to care for others unselfishly, offering genuine maternal love

- To give without expecting anything back and allows their loved ones to be themselves and live their own lives.

- brings fulfilment and self-assurance, as they no longer need others assurance, that they are worthy of love.

- Chicory brings warmth, kindness and a sincere concern for others and is sensitive to other peoples needs.

9) The Clematis Personality - lack of interest in present ..

The Clematis Personality live in a world of their own with no interest in the real world. They are not really happy and yearn for better times, however they take no active

steps to make changes. They havoc poor memory with attention for detail. They tend to lack energy and appear absent minded. They like to be alone and will avoid confrontation by withdrawing. When ill they make no effort to get well. They may be strongly romantic, and may long to join lost loved ones. Through a lack of concentration, they may tend to be accident prone. Clematis children have difficulty in concentrating due to a tendency to daydream rather than a lack of innate ability.

Benefits of the Clematis Flower Medicine:

- helps to bring a lively interest in the world around them, and enjoy life

- helps to open up to inspiration and fulfil their creative potential eg art, design, writing, fashion and healing.

- helps to become realistic and down to earth and well grounded

- brings a sense of purpose and helps to recognise that the future is shaped by the present

10) The Crab Apple Personality: - poor self image, sense of uncleanliness ..

The Crab Apple Personality feels unclean and suffers from a poor self image. They may be obsessively house-proud, or have mental obsession with cleanliness and

trivialities. They may feel ashamed and embarrassed by unpleasant physical symptoms such as skin problems or discharges, they are disheartened if treatment

fails (also see Gentian).

Benefits of the Crab Apple flower Medicine:

- is the ‘cleansing remedy’ for mind and body

- helps to accept oneself and one’s imperfections

- Brings a positive self-image and are relaxed about the way they look and their environment

11) The Elm Personality: - overwhelmed by responsibility ..

The Elm Personality feels overwhelmed by their workload. Usually competent and capable, they momentarily lose confidence and become despondent. Elm

personalities make good managers are often in positions of responsibility, concerned with the welfare of others eg doctor, teacher, therapist and heads of

industry. Elm is indicated when this Personality suddenly feels overwhelmed by their responsibility and feel unable to deal with them or keep up with events, this is

often brought about by taking on too much work without taking care of themselves, as a result they feel depressed and exhausted, with a temporary loss of self-esteem. Even a momentary doubt of their abilities causes them to feel weak and debilitated.

Benefits of the Elm Flower Medicine:

- helps to restore the normal capable personality and return of efficiency and self assurance

- Problems are seen in perspective and the personality takes on only as much as they can cope with, taking time to look after their own needs.

12) The Gentian Personality: - discouragement and despondency ..

The Gentian Personality feels doubt and despondency, and is easily discouraged and depressed when things go wrong or when faced with difficulties. This feeling

of depression is always from an identifiable cause (unlike Mustard). They may in fact be making good progress in illness or in life but are easily disheartened by

small setbacks. Gentian may be useful for those who feel despondent with long-term or recurrent illness. It is also useful for children discouraged about their schoolwork.

Benefits of the Gentian Flower Medicine:

- helps with the realisation that there is no such thing as failure when one is doing their best, no matter what the results.

- there is a convection that any difficulties will be overcome in the end.

14) The Heather Personality: - self-preoccupied, self concern and talkative..

The Heather Personality is preoccupied with their own situation or ailments and are unable to enter into genuine two way communication with others. They drive

others away by their extreme neediness. They exaggerate their symptoms, or make mountains out of molehills. They are compulsive talkers. Needing an

audience and will buttonhole people in order to talk in lengthy detail about themselves. They tend to speak fast, close into the listener’s face.

They dislike being alone but fail to realise that they are often avoided because they sap other people’s vitality and show no interest in other people’s problems.

Benefits of the Heather Flower Medicine:

- helps to become a better listener who is generous in helping others and is selfless and understanding of other people’s problems

- helps to create empathy for others

15) The Holly Personality: - envious, jealous, and feelings of hatred ..

The Holly Personality can bad tempered, hard-hearted, even cruel and on occasions violent. Inside they are suffering - often for no good cause. They find it difficult to open their hearts to love. They feel a lot of hatred, envy, and jealousy - suffering perhaps unconsciously from insecurity. They my be suspicious and and aggressive, and lack the ability to love and feel a generalised anger towards others. Holly is good for children who are jealous of their siblings.

Benefits of the holly Flower Medicine:

- helps the ability to be more generous-hearted without making demands for any returns

- It cultivates more compassion, love and to willingly share without being possessive even when they have their own personal problems

- It helps to find inner harmony and genuinely celebrate other people’s success

- Dr. Bach wrote: “ Holly protects us from everything that is not Universal Love. Holly opens the heart and unites us to with Universal Love. ”

16) The Honeysuckle Personality: - dwells on the past ..

The Honeysuckle Personality has an over-attachment to past memories. They tend to live in the past, in a state of homesickness or nostalgia. They have regrets

but are unable to change present circumstances since they are constantly looking at the past. They may be attached to lost loved ones, or to happier days, or are

unable to get over bereavement and constantly refer to the past in conversation. Honeysuckle can be very helpful behaved or redundant people, or to those who

have failed in business and especially to older people who live alone.

Benefits of the Honeysuckle Flower Medicine:

- helps to live in the present, no longer experiencing the past as overpowering

- It allows one to move forward in life with no regrets

- Aging is accepted as a natural process and is embraced

17) The Hornbeam Personality: - Monday morning feeling ..

The Hornbeam Personality experiences weariness which is mental rather than physical. They may wake up doubting their ability to face the day’s work. They

find it difficult to face up to problems or cope with the day’s program, although in fact they usually get everything done. This Personality may be suffering from overwork ,or a sense of staleness and lack vitality in life eg. when studying hard for exams (also see Olive). They lack enthusiasm and may procrastinate. Sleep is not refreshing and if convalescing from illness, they doubt their ability to recover.

Benefits of the Hornbeam Flower Medicine:

- Brings certainty of one’s strength and ability to face the day’s work.

- Helps to restore a lively mind, vitality, freshness and spontaneity and life is enjoyed again

- The days work can be faced with energy and a clear head and is properly balanced with play

18) The Impatiens Personality: - impatience ..

The Impatient Personality is easily irritated. They are impatient and want everything done instantly. They act, think and speak quickly. This Personality is capable and

efficient but irritated and frustrated by slow co-workers nd therefore prefer to work alone. They are independent, hate wasting time and often finish other people’s

sentences They may have temper flare-ups but these are soon over. When ill, they make restless and irritable patients. They are often fidgety, and their hastiness can lead

to accident-proneness.

Benefits of the Impatient Flower Medicine:

- assists in the balancing of thought and action without loosing their decisiveness and spontaneity

- Helps one relax and become good-humoured with others and assists in being sympathetic to those who are slow

- Brings calmness and diplomacy when faced with irritating problems

19) The Larch Personality: - lack of confidence ..

The Larch Personality lacks self-confidence and therefore won’t even try, because they are sure in advance that they will fail. They suffer from feelings of inferiority.

They are secretly aware that they have potential ability but refuse to acknowledge it, thereby avoiding the risk of failure. They also lack confidence before examinations, interviews driving tests etc (also see Rescue Remedy )

Benefits of the Larch Flower Medicine:

- helps to express their capabilities and determination with a realistic sense of self esteem, unworried about failure or success.

- brings awareness of one’s own potential and the ability to work towards achieving it.

- provides the ability to take initiative, to take on risks, using their critical thinking sensibly.

20) The Mimulus Personality: - fear of known things ..

The Mimulus Personality experiences fear of known causes eg illness, death, accidents, the dark, public speaking, loss of friends or job, animals spiders etc.

They suffer from fears that can be named easily. This Personality may be artistic and talented, but shy and retiring, and can be tongue-tied in company. They may

suffer from blushing, stammering, nervous laughter etc. Mimulus is works well for shy, timid, sensitive children, afraid of the dark etc. ( also see Larch )

Benefits of the Mimulus Flower Medicine:

- brings quiet courage to face trails and difficulties with humour and confidence.

- Helps one to stand up for themselves, with their emotions under control and enjoy life without fear.

21) The Mustard Personality: - deep gloom with no origin ..

The Mustard Personality experiences sudden depression which descends out of the blue, and lifts just as suddenly as it came, with no apparent reason. This gloom can be very severe - it is like the descent of a cold, dark fog, overcasting everything and destroying normal cheerfulness. This personality is completely taken over by gloom and unable to shake it off at will.

Benefits of the Mustard Flower Medicine:

- brings the return of joy, supported by an inner stability and peace which cannot be shaken or destroyed under good circumstances or bad.

22) The Oak Personality: - exhausted but struggles on ..

The Oak Personality is normally brave, strong and reliable, but when their inner strength wanes and fatigue takes over they keep going, whatever happens,

ignoring their tiredness. Driven by strong sense of duty, they are helpful are helpful to others, conscientious and reliable. They are patient, sometimes plodding, and

will not allow themselves to relax if there is work to be done - instead they struggle on stubbornly when over-tired (also see Rock Water and Vervain).

The resultant loss of innate strength may lead to depression, frustration and other stress symptoms. They also feel a sense of failure when ill, but are ceaseless in

their efforts to recover.

Benefits of the Oak Flower Medicine:

- helps to restore one’s energy and helps them recognise the need to take off to relax and look after themselves as well as their duties.

23) The Olive Personality: - lack of energy ..

The Olive Personality experiences exhaustion in body and mind, after a long period of study or work, a long illness or nursing someone else for a long time or

convalescence. This personality feels exhaustion to the point of tears, when all reserves of strength and energy have run out. Everything is an effort - one tires easily, and life lacks zest. They no longer enjoy their work or leisure activities in which they formerly took pleasure. They find they need a lot of sleep. As a result of being over tired the body may be functioning below par.

Benefit of the Olive Flower Medicine:

- helps to restore strength, vitality and interest in life, without exhausting their own reserves of strength, but listen to their inner guidance and recognise the needs

of their body.

- Helps to maintain ones peace of mind even when forced to remain inactive.

24) The Pine Personality: - self-reproach and guilt ..

The Pine Personality feels full of guilt and self-reproach, they blame themselves for other people’s mistakes and, indeed, for anything that goes wrong. They feel

undeserving and unworthy. Their guilt complex and sense of shame is not necessarily based on any actual wrong-doing, but destroys the possibility of joy in

living. This Personality appears humble and apologetic - they will apologise for being ill and may feel they deserve their illness or pain.

Benefits of the Pine Medicine:

- allows one to accept responsibility realistically, and allows sound judgement to return.

- Helps one to accept and respect themselves as they would others, without exaggeratedly negative judgement.

- Dr. Bach wrote: “ … one trace of condemnation against ourselves, or others, is a trace of condemnation against the the Universal Creation of love, and restricts

us, and limits our power to allow Universal love to flow through us to others.”

25) The Red Chestnut Personality: - fear or over-concern for others ..

The Red Chestnut Personality has a selfless over-concern and fear or worry for the welfare of others, especially of family and close friends. They fear the worst for

their loved ones - that a minor complaint will turn into something serious, that a child will fall while playing, or a holiday plane will crash. They also are fretful and

worry about other people’s problems. It is often a temporary state among carers, nurses, counsellors etc

Benefits of the Red Chestnut Flower Medicine:

- helps to care for others with compassion but without anxiety.

- encourages to radiate thoughts of health and courage, to those who need them and remain mentally and physically calm in emergencies. They are happy to give

help when asked but hold back from forcing help on others.

26) The Rock Rose: - terror ..

The Rock Rose is for terror such as may occur after being in an accident, or having a near space, or from witnessing an accident. When under acute threat - such as a

natural disaster, sudden illness, a mugging etc, there is a sense of frozen for and helplessness. A similar state of terror may occur as a result of nightmares (also see Aspen and Rescue Remedy) The Rock Rose state is usually brief, related to a particular crises.

Benefits of the Rock Rose Flower Medicine:

- gives courage and presence of mind, the person who is calm and self-forgetful in emergencies.

27) The Rock Water Personality: - inflexible and self denial ..

The Rock Water Personality is inflexible, and is sets very high standards for themselves, and may be self-denying. They are often self-domineering to the point

of self-martyrdom, eg they will stick rigidly to diet and exercise programmes, work routines and spiritual disciplines. Their thinking is ruled by fixed ideas and dogma

regarding subjects like religion, diet, morality, politics, etc. they like to set an example to others because they seek self-perfection, and do not actively interfere

in other people’s lives. This Personality is over-conscientious and they often overwork but are never satisfied with their own achievements. They are self-sacrificing and denying and feel disappointed with themselves if they do not meet their own high ideals.

Benefits of the Rock Water Medicine:

- helps to express the to hold high ideals with a flexible mind.

- Helps with the willingness to change their minds and give up their pet theories if convinced of a greater truth. They understand that inner harmony is more

powerful than external enforced behaviours and allows them more flow in life.

28) The Scleranthus Personality: - uncertainty and indecision ..

The Scleranthus Personality suffers from indecision and find it hard to make decisions, particularly when faced with a choice of two possibilities. They lack balance and poise - their grasshopper minds make them jump about in conversation. They are up and down in mood, experiencing extremes of joy/sadness/energy/apathy/optimism/pessimism, laughing/crying. This changeable outlook can make them unreliable and they can waste time and lose opportunities due to indecision.

Benefits of the Scleranthus Flower Medicine:

- brings certainty and decisiveness, with poise and balance in all circumstances, and are able to make quick decisions and act promptly when necessary.

29) The Star of Bethlehem Personality: - after effects of shock ..

The Star of Bethlehem Personality experiences the after effects of shock, mental or physical as a result of accidents, bad news, bereavement, sudden disappointments , frights etc. Ideally taking Star of Bethlehem immediately after the event, it is also excellent for delayed effects which may manifest years later after the event has taken place, in the of physical symptoms. The person may be numbed and withdrawn with a sense of loss or grief. Star of Bethlehem is an important ingredient of the Rescue Remedy. It is useful for both mother and child immediately after birth.

Benefits of the Star of Bethlehem Flower Medicine:

- helps to neutralise the effects of the shock, whether immediate or delayed, thus helping the sufferer to recuperate.

- Dr. Bach wrote : “ Star of Bethlehem is the comforter and soother of pains and sorrow”.

30) The Sweet Chestnut Personality: - extreme mental anguish ..

The Sweet Chestnut Personality feels agonising mental anguish described by Dr. Bach as “ the hopeless despair of those who feel they have reached the limits of

their endurance.” It may take in the form of intense sorrow , and/or they feel almost destroyed by it. Dejection is accompanied by a sense of loneliness and the feeling that the future is bleak and utterly hopeless. This Personality may feel on the point of a breakdown, though not suicidal. There may be the feeling that ‘God has forsaken them’ . This state may follow a bereavement, or years of difficulty, suffered bravely and uncomplainingly.

Benefits of Sweet Chestnut flower medicine:

- helps relieve despair and despondency. Though external circumstances may not have changed, they can now be faced with optimism and peace of mind.

- Helps to reconnect to their inner power and strength, and regain the feeling of being part of a greater whole and feel connected.

31) The Vervain Personality: - over-enthusiastic ..

The Vervain Personality has fixed principles and ideas, which they are confident are right and which they rarely change. They are determined and highly strung, over achieving and keyed-up. They put unnecessary effort into everything they undertake, pushing themselves beyond their physical limits. Their minds race ahead of events, they on too much work and try to tackle too many jobs at once. This Personality is strong-willed and holds strong views. Sensitive to injustice and dedicated to causes, often self sacrificing, their over-enthusiasm can be fanatical, so that they alienate potential allies and converts. This Personality may also suffer from a lack of sleep due to their active minds and the inability or unwillingness to relax. Demonstrative in speech and movement, they can be irritable, frustrated and annoyed over matters of principle.

Benefits of the Vervain Flower Medicine:

- helps to bring calmness, wisdom, tolerance and relaxation. Although they hold strong views, they can change them, when appropriate and do not need to

impose them on others.

- helps to take a broader view of life and events.

- Dr. Bach wrote: “ .. it is by being rather than doing that great things are accomplished ”.

32) The Vine Personality: - assertive and inflexible ..

The Vine Personality likes to dominate. They are often very capable, even highly gifted and ambitious, but they use their undoubted gifts to dominate and bully.

They know better than everyone else, and put other people down. Although they do not try to convert other people, they override their wishes and opinions, and

demand and expect absolute obedience. They may be aggressive and proud and can be ruthlessly greedy for power - the extremes are hard, cruel and in compassionate. Extreme examples are the parent or boss who rules with an iron rod, or the political dictator who uses any means to gain his ends, or the school bully who aggressively controls other children.

Benefits of the Vine Medicine:

- helps one to see the good in others without domination, and encourage and guide others without needing to control them.

- helps to make wise leaders, teachers, bosses and/or parents.

- helps to use ones gifts to help others to know themselves and find their own path in life.

- helps one to inspire others with their unshakeable confidence and certainty.

33) The Walnut Personality: - protection from change and outside influences ..

The Walnut Personality finds it difficult to adapt to change and may be oversensitive to certain ideas, atmospheres and influences. They may also have issues with major life changes - teething, puberty, pregnancy, divorce, menopause, moving house or changing jobs, giving up addictions or breaking away from old ties and restrictions.

They may also experience regrets caused by change - loss of friends and familiar circumstances, again, bereavement, approaching death etc. This Personality may have definite ideals and ambitions, and are keen to forward in life, but are held back or side-tracked by the influence of a stronger personality, by restrictive circumstances, by family ties or links with the past. They may be temporarily affected by another’s personality or problems - such as therapists, counsellors and healers dealing with emotionally troubled or draining clients.

Benefits of the Walnut Flower Medicine:

- helps with the ability to move forward and remain steadfast to one’s path in life, free from the past, and to make necessary changes in life, carrying plans

through despite discouragement, objections or ridicule from others.

- It is the Medicine that provides constancy and protection from the influence of others.

34) The Water Violet Personality: - proud and aloof ..

The Water Violet Personality is knowledgeable, calm and capable. They are private and sedate, who are often asked for advice but will not impose their opinions or

wishes on others. They are gentle and self-reliant and have a sense of superiority. Carried to extremes, they can be aloof, appearing proud, disdainful and

condescending. When they are tired, or there are too many external distractions, they have a tendency to withdraw, appearing anti-social and cold.

When they are suffering, they keep their troubles to themselves. They do not lean on others for support and may be considered emotionally cold. They find it hard to

open up to others, finding it easier to retreat behind their calm facade.

Benefits of the Water Violet Flower Medicine:

- helps to have warmer relationships with others, and are happy to help others with the benefit of their own knowledge and wisdom with dignity.

- helps to understand and empathise with others, while remaining calm, serene and dignified.

- helps to put their unique talents to the service of others.

35) The White Chestnut Personality: - unwanted thoughts and mental arguments ..

The White Chestnut Personality has experiences obsessive, worrying thoughts that seem impossible to control. They cannot let go of unhappy events or arguments

and keep reliving them mentally. Persistent, unwanted thoughts and mental arguments go round and round like a stuck record, leading to a troubled mind. It is difficult to concentrate during the day, or to sleep at night. They may therefore appear inattentive and may not answer when spoken to (also see Clematis).

Benefits of the White Chestnut Flower Medicine:

- brings peace of mind

- Allows the head to be clear, thinking is under control and can be put to positive problem-solving.

- Worry is replaced by trusting in positive outcomes.

36) The Wild Oat Personality: - uncertainty as to the correct path in life ..

The Wild Oat Personality feel like they have reached a crossroads in life and are completely undecided as to what to do. They may have ambition and a variety of

talents, but waste their gifts through lack of a clear direction. They may try several different careers but easily become bored and unsettled, tending to be drifters. At

the same time they are aware that life is passing them by and feel frustrated and dissatisfied ( also see Cerato and Scleranthus). Wild Oat is helpful in making important decisions such as choosing a fulfilling career.

- helps to find a clear picture of what to do in life with positive ideas and ambitions, and the ability to decide upon one’s true path. Talents are used constructively

- Also helps these multi-talented people find ways of pursuing more than one career at once. They no longer give up when bored.

37) The Wild Rose Personality: - resignation and apathy ..

The Wild Rose Personality is resigned to an unpleasant situation, whether illness, a monotonous life or unpleasant work environment. They do not complain and are

too apathetic to get well, change their occupation or enjoy simple pleasures. Although their situations are unsatisfactory, they are not actually unhappy and

make no effort to change their circumstances. This makes them rather dull as companions, and are unable to fulfil their true potential. When ill, they are over-accepting of medical prognoses such as “.. you must learn to live with it ..’ They are resigned, rather than depressed, at the prospect, and accept life the way it is. they lack energy and ambition.

Benefits of the Wild Rose Flower Medicine;

- helps to bring lively interest in life, work and the world in general. -helps to create more ambition and a sense of purpose, good heath and enjoyable friendships.

- Also helps to accept responsibility for their own life and circumstances and use their initiative to make changes.

38) The Willow Personality: - self-pity and resentment ..

The Willow Personality experiences self-pity and bitterness. They feel of being short-changed by life - “ I don’t deserve this. Why should this happen to me? “

They begrudge other people’s good luck, good health, happiness or success. They may be grumbling, sulky and irritable. This Personality is a difficult patient when ill, since they are never pleased or satisfied, preferring to see themselves as victims and are reluctant to admit to any improvement. Constantly maintaining resentment can affect one’s overall vitality and lead to poor general health.

Benefits of the Willow Medicine:

- allows one to forgive injustices and enjoy life, thereby attracting positive conditions and friends.

- also helps to no longer see themselves as a victim, as they take control of their own destiny.

List of the 38 Bach Flower Personality Archetypes

1) The Agrimony Personality - hide problems behind a cheerful face ..

This Personality often appears carefree and humorous, but their joie de vivre is a mask for anxieties worries and even real inner torment, which they may be trying to

conceal from them themselves as well as others. If in pain or discomfort, they are likely to joke about it, unwilling to express their real fears.

They dislike being alone and are very sociable, seeking company as a distraction. They try to ignore the darker side of life, and prefer to make light of things rather

than enter into confrontation. They may also suffer from restlessness at night, with churning thoughts

( also see Whites Chestnut )

Agrimony Personalities may suppress their discomfort with the aid of heavy drinking, or the use of drugs or comfort eating.

Benefits of Agrimony Flower Medicine:

- helps to communicate their real feelings openly

- Helps to accept that life has its less pleasant side

- Bring cheerfulness, which stems from a real sense of self-acceptance and inner peace and joy

- See problems in perspective

- Are diplomatic peace makers

2) The Aspen Personality - fears and worries of unknown origin ..

The Aspen Personality is seized by sudden fears or worries for no specific reason, and may therefore be generally nervy and anxious. A typical Aspen trait is for

waking in fear from a bad dream, even if the dream itself is forgotten. Aspen is helpful for young children experiencing nightmares and night terrors ( also see

Rock Rose ) Aspen fears can occur during the day or night - an inexplicable anxiety or sense of foreboding may strike when alone, or suddenly in the company of friends, and may be accompanied by trembling.

Benefits of the Aspen Flower Medicine:

- Helps in creating a state of inner peace, security and fearlessness

- Creates a desire for adventure and new experiences

3) The Beech Personality - Intolerant of others , critical ..

The Beech Personality makes constant criticism, is intolerant to other people’s shortcomings and is unable to make allowances. They find it hard to see the good

in others. They have a strong sense of their own superiority, can be judgemental and arrogant are easily irritated by other peoples mannerisms or habits. They are

convinced that they are always right and everyone else is wrong ( also see Impatiens ).

Benefits of the Beech Flower Medicine:

- helps to create tolerance and a sense of compassion for and unity with others

- Helps to see the good in others despite their imperfections

4) The Centaury Personality - weak-willed and easily led ..

This Personality finds it hard to say no. They let themselves be imposed on and even bullied by others. They are usually timid, quiet and rather passive, with little

strength of will. Anxious to please, they give in to others out of subservience rather than willing co-operation. Although dissatisfied with this state of affairs, they will

deny their own wishes or vocation rather than risk a confrontation. Anxious to ‘do the right thing’ they are easily influenced by what other people dictate.

Drained by others and and out of touch with their own assertiveness, they tend to lack energy and tire easily.

Benefits of the Centaury Flower Medicine:

- helps in serving willingly and unobtrusively, without denying their own needs

- They can express and stand by their own opinions

- They can mix well in company

- They are in touch with what they want and need and can follow their own path with determination and energy

5) The Cerato Personality - seek advice and confirmation from others ..

The Cerato Personality doesn’t trust its own judgement in decision-making. They actually know what they want and need, and although they have plenty of inner

wisdom and may be highly intuitive, they constantly seek advice and conformation from others and will misguidedly follow someone else’s advice rather than trust

themselves. When ill, they are likely to try a succession of treatments recommended by other people.

Benefits of the Cerato Flower Medicine:

- helps to trust your inner wisdom and follow it

- It brings self assurance and decisiveness so you can follow your true path

6) The Cherry Plum Personality - fear of loosing control ..

The Cherry Plum Personality may feel out of control and may feel like they are ready to explode. They are afraid of their violent impulses and may be abnormally

abusive and hysterical towards friends and family, exploding in sudden outbursts of rage.

Benefits of the Cherry Plum Flower Medicine:

- helps to calm the mind to allow the ability to think and act rationally

- In severe cases a good therapist is also recommended

7) The Chestnut Bud Personality - failure to learn from past mistakes ..

This Personality fails to learn by experience, which leads to an inability to make progress in life. They keep repeating the same mistakes, such as falling over and

over again for the wrong partner, or continuing to work in an unsuitable job. Instead of learning from past mistakes, this Personality try to forget them and

therefore have no basis on which to make future decisions. They may suffer recurrent ailments but never question why they keep returning and therefore fail to deal with the root cause.

Benefits of the Chestnut Bud Flower Medicine:

- helps to take full advantage of daily experiences and observe their mistakes objectively and learns from every experience

- Gains knowledge and wisdom so as to move forward in life

- Mentally active they learn from from others through observation

8) The Chicory Personality - possessive and over-protective ..

The Chicory Personality is overly possessive, self-centred and manipulative caring for others. They are strong willed and expect other people to conform to their

values; they may be critical, interfering and nagging. They find it hard to give without expecting anything in return. They dislike being alone and demand constant attention and service as duty: - typical is the possessively domineering parent who keeps adult children under their thumb. Although strong, they are self-pitying and easily offended. Some Chicory Personality types may feign illness in order to gain attention - eg the possessive parent who manifests ‘heart pains’ whenever a child tries to leave

home. They are often very talkative, opinionated and argumentative. - or children who make constant and unreasonable demands for attention.

Benefits of the Chicory Flower Medicine:

- helps to care for others unselfishly, offering genuine maternal love

- To give without expecting anything back and allows their loved ones to be themselves and live their own lives.

- brings fulfilment and self-assurance, as they no longer need others assurance, that they are worthy of love.

- Chicory brings warmth, kindness and a sincere concern for others and is sensitive to other peoples needs.

9) The Clematis Personality - lack of interest in present ..

The Clematis Personality live in a world of their own with no interest in the real world. They are not really happy and yearn for better times, however they take no active

steps to make changes. They havoc poor memory with attention for detail. They tend to lack energy and appear absent minded. They like to be alone and will avoid confrontation by withdrawing. When ill they make no effort to get well. They may be strongly romantic, and may long to join lost loved ones. Through a lack of concentration, they may tend to be accident prone. Clematis children have difficulty in concentrating due to a tendency to daydream rather than a lack of innate ability.

Benefits of the Clematis Flower Medicine:

- helps to bring a lively interest in the world around them, and enjoy life

- helps to open up to inspiration and fulfil their creative potential eg art, design, writing, fashion and healing.

- helps to become realistic and down to earth and well grounded

- brings a sense of purpose and helps to recognise that the future is shaped by the present

10) The Crab Apple Personality: poor self image, sense of uncleanliness ..

The Crab Apple Personality feels unclean and suffers from a poor self image. They may be obsessively house-proud, or have mental obsession with cleanliness and

trivialities. They may feel ashamed and embarrassed by unpleasant physical symptoms such as skin problems or discharges, they are disheartened if treatment

fails (also see Gentian).

Benefits of the Crab Apple flower Medicine:

- is the ‘cleansing remedy’ for mind and body

- helps to accept oneself and one’s imperfections

- Brings a positive self-image and are relaxed about the way they look and their environment

11) The Elm Personality: overwhelmed by responsibility ..

The Elm Personality feels overwhelmed by their workload. Usually competent and capable, they momentarily lose confidence and become despondent. Elm

personalities make good managers are often in positions of responsibility, concerned with the welfare of others eg doctor, teacher, therapist and heads of

industry. Elm is indicated when this Personality suddenly feels overwhelmed by their responsibility and feel unable to deal with them or keep up with events, this is

often brought about by taking on too much work without taking care of themselves, as a result they feel depressed and exhausted, with a temporary loss of self-esteem. Even a momentary doubt of their abilities causes them to feel weak and debilitated.

Benefits of the Elm Flower Medicine:

- helps to restore the normal capable personality and return of efficiency and self assurance

- Problems are seen in perspective and the personality takes on only as much as they can cope with, taking time to look after their own needs.

12) The Gentian Personality: discouragement and despondency ..

The Gentian Personality feels doubt and despondency, and is easily discouraged and depressed when things go wrong or when faced with difficulties. This feeling

of depression is always from an identifiable cause (unlike Mustard). They may in fact be making good progress in illness or in life but are easily disheartened by

small setbacks. Gentian may be useful for those who feel despondent with long-term or recurrent illness. It is also useful for children discouraged about their schoolwork.

Benefits of the Gentian Flower Medicine:

- helps with the realisation that there is no such thing as failure when one is doing their best, no matter what the results.

- there is a convection that any difficulties will be overcome in the end.

14) The Heather Personality: self-preoccupied, self concern and talkative..

The Heather Personality is preoccupied with their own situation or ailments and are unable to enter into genuine two way communication with others. They drive

others away by their extreme neediness. They exaggerate their symptoms, or make mountains out of molehills. They are compulsive talkers. Needing an

audience and will buttonhole people in order to talk in lengthy detail about themselves. They tend to speak fast, close into the listener’s face.

They dislike being alone but fail to realise that they are often avoided because they sap other people’s vitality and show no interest in other people’s problems.

Benefits of the Heather Flower Medicine:

- helps to become a better listener who is generous in helping others and is selfless and understanding of other people’s problems

- helps to create empathy for others

15) The Holly Personality: envious, jealous, and feelings of hatred ..

The Holly Personality can bad tempered, hard-hearted, even cruel and on occasions violent. Inside they are suffering - often for no good cause. They find it difficult to open their hearts to love. They feel a lot of hatred, envy, and jealousy - suffering perhaps unconsciously from insecurity. They my be suspicious and and aggressive, and lack the ability to love and feel a generalised anger towards others. Holly is good for children who are jealous of their siblings.

Benefits of the holly Flower Medicine:

- helps the ability to be more generous-hearted without making demands for any returns

- It cultivates more compassion, love and to willingly share without being possessive even when they have their own personal problems

- It helps to find inner harmony and genuinely celebrate other people’s success

- Dr. Bach wrote: “ Holly protects us from everything that is not Universal Love. Holly opens the heart and unites us to with Universal Love. ”

16) The Honeysuckle Personality: dwells on the past ..

The Honeysuckle Personality has an over-attachment to past memories. They tend to live in the past, in a state of homesickness or nostalgia. They have regrets

but are unable to change present circumstances since they are constantly looking at the past. They may be attached to lost loved ones, or to happier days, or are

unable to get over bereavement and constantly refer to the past in conversation. Honeysuckle can be very helpful behaved or redundant people, or to those who

have failed in business and especially to older people who live alone.

Benefits of the Honeysuckle Flower Medicine:

- helps to live in the present, no longer experiencing the past as overpowering

- It allows one to move forward in life with no regrets

- Aging is accepted as a natural process and is embraced

17) The Hornbeam Personality: Monday morning feeling ..

The Hornbeam Personality experiences weariness which is mental rather than physical. They may wake up doubting their ability to face the day’s work. They

find it difficult to face up to problems or cope with the day’s program, although in fact they usually get everything done. This Personality may be suffering from overwork ,or a sense of staleness and lack vitality in life eg. when studying hard for exams (also see Olive). They lack enthusiasm and may procrastinate. Sleep is not refreshing and if convalescing from illness, they doubt their ability to recover.

Benefits of the Hornbeam Flower Medicine:

- Brings certainty of one’s strength and ability to face the day’s work.

- Helps to restore a lively mind, vitality, freshness and spontaneity and life is enjoyed again

- The days work can be faced with energy and a clear head and is properly balanced with play

18) The Impatiens Personality: impatience ..

The Impatient Personality is easily irritated. They are impatient and want everything done instantly. They act, think and speak quickly. This Personality is capable and

efficient but irritated and frustrated by slow co-workers nd therefore prefer to work alone. They are independent, hate wasting time and often finish other people’s

sentences They may have temper flare-ups but these are soon over. When ill, they make restless and irritable patients. They are often fidgety, and their hastiness can lead

to accident-proneness.

Benefits of the Impatient Flower Medicine:

- assists in the balancing of thought and action without loosing their decisiveness and spontaneity

- Helps one relax and become good-humoured with others and assists in being sympathetic to those who are slow

- Brings calmness and diplomacy when faced with irritating problems

19) The Larch Personality: lack of confidence ..

The Larch Personality lacks self-confidence and therefore won’t even try, because they are sure in advance that they will fail. They suffer from feelings of inferiority.

They are secretly aware that they have potential ability but refuse to acknowledge it, thereby avoiding the risk of failure. They also lack confidence before examinations, interviews driving tests etc (also see Rescue Remedy )

Benefits of the Larch Flower Medicine:

- helps to express their capabilities and determination with a realistic sense of self esteem, unworried about failure or success.

- brings awareness of one’s own potential and the ability to work towards achieving it.

- provides the ability to take initiative, to take on risks, using their critical thinking sensibly.

20) The Mimulus Personality: fear of known things ..

The Mimulus Personality experiences fear of known causes eg illness, death, accidents, the dark, public speaking, loss of friends or job, animals spiders etc.

They suffer from fears that can be named easily. This Personality may be artistic and talented, but shy and retiring, and can be tongue-tied in company. They may

suffer from blushing, stammering, nervous laughter etc. Mimulus is works well for shy, timid, sensitive children, afraid of the dark etc. ( also see Larch )

Benefits of the Mimulus Flower Medicine:

- brings quiet courage to face trails and difficulties with humour and confidence.

- Helps one to stand up for themselves, with their emotions under control and enjoy life without fear.

21) The Mustard Personality: deep gloom with no origin ..

The Mustard Personality experiences sudden depression which descends out of the blue, and lifts just as suddenly as it came, with no apparent reason. This gloom can be very severe - it is like the descent of a cold, dark fog, overcasting everything and destroying normal cheerfulness. This personality is completely taken over by gloom and unable to shake it off at will.

Benefits of the Mustard Flower Medicine:

- brings the return of joy, supported by an inner stability and peace which cannot be shaken or destroyed under good circumstances or bad.

22) The Oak Personality: exhausted but struggles on ..

The Oak Personality is normally brave, strong and reliable, but when their inner strength wanes and fatigue takes over they keep going, whatever happens,

ignoring their tiredness. Driven by strong sense of duty, they are helpful are helpful to others, conscientious and reliable. They are patient, sometimes plodding, and

will not allow themselves to relax if there is work to be done - instead they struggle on stubbornly when over-tired (also see Rock Water and Vervain).

The resultant loss of innate strength may lead to depression, frustration and other stress symptoms. They also feel a sense of failure when ill, but are ceaseless in

their efforts to recover.

Benefits of the Oak Flower Medicine:

- helps to restore one’s energy and helps them recognise the need to take off to relax and look after themselves as well as their duties.

23) The Olive Personality: lack of energy ..

The Olive Personality experiences exhaustion in body and mind, after a long period of study or work, a long illness or nursing someone else for a long time or

convalescence. This personality feels exhaustion to the point of tears, when all reserves of strength and energy have run out. Everything is an effort - one tires easily, and life lacks zest. They no longer enjoy their work or leisure activities in which they formerly took pleasure. They find they need a lot of sleep. As a result of being over tired the body may be functioning below par.

Benefit of the Olive Flower Medicine:

- helps to restore strength, vitality and interest in life, without exhausting their own reserves of strength, but listen to their inner guidance and recognise the needs

of their body.

- Helps to maintain ones peace of mind even when forced to remain inactive.

24) The Pine Personality: self-reproach and guilt ..

The Pine Personality feels full of guilt and self-reproach, they blame themselves for other people’s mistakes and, indeed, for anything that goes wrong. They feel

undeserving and unworthy. Their guilt complex and sense of shame is not necessarily based on any actual wrong-doing, but destroys the possibility of joy in

living. This Personality appears humble and apologetic - they will apologise for being ill and may feel they deserve their illness or pain.

Benefits of the Pine Medicine:

- allows one to accept responsibility realistically, and allows sound judgement to return.

- Helps one to accept and respect themselves as they would others, without exaggeratedly negative judgement.

- Dr. Bach wrote: “ … one trace of condemnation against ourselves, or others, is a trace of condemnation against the the Universal Creation of love, and restricts

us, and limits our power to allow Universal love to flow through us to others.”

25) The Red Chestnut Personality: fear or over-concern for others ..

The Red Chestnut Personality has a selfless over-concern and fear or worry for the welfare of others, especially of family and close friends. They fear the worst for

their loved ones - that a minor complaint will turn into something serious, that a child will fall while playing, or a holiday plane will crash. They also are fretful and

worry about other people’s problems. It is often a temporary state among carers, nurses, counsellors etc

Benefits of the Red Chestnut Flower Medicine:

- helps to care for others with compassion but without anxiety.

- encourages to radiate thoughts of health and courage, to those who need them and remain mentally and physically calm in emergencies. They are happy to give

help when asked but hold back from forcing help on others.

26) The Rock Rose: terror ..

The Rock Rose is for terror such as may occur after being in an accident, or having a near space, or from witnessing an accident. When under acute threat - such as a

natural disaster, sudden illness, a mugging etc, there is a sense of frozen for and helplessness. A similar state of terror may occur as a result of nightmares (also see Aspen and Rescue Remedy) The Rock Rose state is usually brief, related to a particular crises.

Benefits of the Rock Rose Flower Medicine:

- gives courage and presence of mind, the person who is calm and self-forgetful in emergencies.

27) The Rock Water Personality: inflexible and self denial ..

The Rock Water Personality is inflexible, and is sets very high standards for themselves, and may be self-denying. They are often self-domineering to the point

of self-martyrdom, eg they will stick rigidly to diet and exercise programmes, work routines and spiritual disciplines. Their thinking is ruled by fixed ideas and dogma

regarding subjects like religion, diet, morality, politics, etc. they like to set an example to others because they seek self-perfection, and do not actively interfere

in other people’s lives. This Personality is over-conscientious and they often overwork but are never satisfied with their own achievements. They are self-sacrificing and denying and feel disappointed with themselves if they do not meet their own high ideals.

Benefits of the Rock Water Medicine:

- helps to express the to hold high ideals with a flexible mind.

- Helps with the willingness to change their minds and give up their pet theories if convinced of a greater truth. They understand that inner harmony is more

powerful than external enforced behaviours and allows them more flow in life.

28) The Scleranthus Personality: uncertainty and indecision ..

The Scleranthus Personality suffers from indecision and find it hard to make decisions, particularly when faced with a choice of two possibilities. They lack balance and poise - their grasshopper minds make them jump about in conversation. They are up and down in mood, experiencing extremes of joy/sadness/energy/apathy/optimism/pessimism, laughing/crying. This changeable outlook can make them unreliable and they can waste time and lose opportunities due to indecision.

Benefits of the Scleranthus Flower Medicine:

- brings certainty and decisiveness, with poise and balance in all circumstances, and are able to make quick decisions and act promptly when necessary.

29) The Star of Bethlehem Personality: after effects of shock ..

The Star of Bethlehem Personality experiences the after effects of shock, mental or physical as a result of accidents, bad news, bereavement, sudden disappointments , frights etc. Ideally taking Star of Bethlehem immediately after the event, it is also excellent for delayed effects which may manifest years later after the event has taken place, in the of physical symptoms. The person may be numbed and withdrawn with a sense of loss or grief. Star of Bethlehem is an important ingredient of the Rescue Remedy. It is useful for both mother and child immediately after birth.

Benefits of the Star of Bethlehem Flower Medicine:

- helps to neutralise the effects of the shock, whether immediate or delayed, thus helping the sufferer to recuperate.

- Dr. Bach wrote : “ Star of Bethlehem is the comforter and soother of pains and sorrow”.

30) The Sweet Chestnut Personality: extreme mental anguish ..

The Sweet Chestnut Personality feels agonising mental anguish described by Dr. Bach as “ the hopeless despair of those who feel they have reached the limits of

their endurance.” It may take in the form of intense sorrow , and/or they feel almost destroyed by it. Dejection is accompanied by a sense of loneliness and the feeling that the future is bleak and utterly hopeless. This Personality may feel on the point of a breakdown, though not suicidal. There may be the feeling that ‘God has forsaken them’ . This state may follow a bereavement, or years of difficulty, suffered bravely and uncomplainingly.

Benefits of Sweet Chestnut flower medicine:

- helps relieve despair and despondency. Though external circumstances may not have changed, they can now be faced with optimism and peace of mind.

- Helps to reconnect to their inner power and strength, and regain the feeling of being part of a greater whole and feel connected.

31) The Vervain Personality: over-enthusiastic ..

The Vervain Personality has fixed principles and ideas, which they are confident are right and which they rarely change. They are determined and highly strung, over achieving and keyed-up. They put unnecessary effort into everything they undertake, pushing themselves beyond their physical limits. Their minds race ahead of events, they on too much work and try to tackle too many jobs at once. This Personality is strong-willed and holds strong views. Sensitive to injustice and dedicated to causes, often self sacrificing, their over-enthusiasm can be fanatical, so that they alienate potential allies and converts. This Personality may also suffer from a lack of sleep due to their active minds and the inability or unwillingness to relax. Demonstrative in speech and movement, they can be irritable, frustrated and annoyed over matters of principle.

Benefits of the Vervain Flower Medicine:

- helps to bring calmness, wisdom, tolerance and relaxation. Although they hold strong views, they can change them, when appropriate and do not need to

impose them on others.

- helps to take a broader view of life and events.

- Dr. Bach wrote: “ .. it is by being rather than doing that great things are accomplished ”.

32) The Vine Personality: assertive and inflexible ..

The Vine Personality likes to dominate. They are often very capable, even highly gifted and ambitious, but they use their undoubted gifts to dominate and bully.

They know better than everyone else, and put other people down. Although they do not try to convert other people, they override their wishes and opinions, and

demand and expect absolute obedience. They may be aggressive and proud and can be ruthlessly greedy for power - the extremes are hard, cruel and in compassionate. Extreme examples are the parent or boss who rules with an iron rod, or the political dictator who uses any means to gain his ends, or the school bully who aggressively controls other children.

Benefits of the Vine Medicine:

- helps one to see the good in others without domination, and encourage and guide others without needing to control them.

- helps to make wise leaders, teachers, bosses and/or parents.

- helps to use ones gifts to help others to know themselves and find their own path in life.

- helps one to inspire others with their unshakeable confidence and certainty.

33) The Walnut Personality: protection from change and outside influences ..

The Walnut Personality finds it difficult to adapt to change and may be oversensitive to certain ideas, atmospheres and influences. They may also have issues with major life changes - teething, puberty, pregnancy, divorce, menopause, moving house or changing jobs, giving up addictions or breaking away from old ties and restrictions.

They may also experience regrets caused by change - loss of friends and familiar circumstances, again, bereavement, approaching death etc. This Personality may have definite ideals and ambitions, and are keen to forward in life, but are held back or side-tracked by the influence of a stronger personality, by restrictive circumstances, by family ties or links with the past. They may be temporarily affected by another’s personality or problems - such as therapists, counsellors and healers dealing with emotionally troubled or draining clients.

Benefits of the Walnut Flower Medicine:

- helps with the ability to move forward and remain steadfast to one’s path in life, free from the past, and to make necessary changes in life, carrying plans

through despite discouragement, objections or ridicule from others.

- It is the Medicine that provides constancy and protection from the influence of others.

34) The Water Violet Personality: proud and aloof ..

The Water Violet Personality is knowledgeable, calm and capable. They are private and sedate, who are often asked for advice but will not impose their opinions or

wishes on others. They are gentle and self-reliant and have a sense of superiority. Carried to extremes, they can be aloof, appearing proud, disdainful and

condescending. When they are tired, or there are too many external distractions, they have a tendency to withdraw, appearing anti-social and cold.

When they are suffering, they keep their troubles to themselves. They do not lean on others for support and may be considered emotionally cold. They find it hard to

open up to others, finding it easier to retreat behind their calm facade.

Benefits of the Water Violet Flower Medicine:

- helps to have warmer relationships with others, and are happy to help others with the benefit of their own knowledge and wisdom with dignity.

- helps to understand and empathise with others, while remaining calm, serene and dignified.

- helps to put their unique talents to the service of others.

35) The White Chestnut Personality: unwanted thoughts and mental arguments ..

The White Chestnut Personality has experiences obsessive, worrying thoughts that seem impossible to control. They cannot let go of unhappy events or arguments

and keep reliving them mentally. Persistent, unwanted thoughts and mental arguments go round and round like a stuck record, leading to a troubled mind. It is difficult to concentrate during the day, or to sleep at night. They may therefore appear inattentive and may not answer when spoken to (also see Clematis).

Benefits of the White Chestnut Flower Medicine:

- brings peace of mind

- Allows the head to be clear, thinking is under control and can be put to positive problem-solving.

- Worry is replaced by trusting in positive outcomes.

36) The Wild Oat Personality: uncertainty as to the correct path in life ..

The Wild Oat Personality feel like they have reached a crossroads in life and are completely undecided as to what to do. They may have ambition and a variety of

talents, but waste their gifts through lack of a clear direction. They may try several different careers but easily become bored and unsettled, tending to be drifters. At

the same time they are aware that life is passing them by and feel frustrated and dissatisfied ( also see Cerato and Scleranthus). Wild Oat is helpful in making important decisions such as choosing a fulfilling career.

- helps to find a clear picture of what to do in life with positive ideas and ambitions, and the ability to decide upon one’s true path. Talents are used constructively

- Also helps these multi-talented people find ways of pursuing more than one career at once. They no longer give up when bored.

37) The Wild Rose Personality: resignation and apathy ..

The Wild Rose Personality is resigned to an unpleasant situation, whether illness, a monotonous life or unpleasant work environment. They do not complain and are

too apathetic to get well, change their occupation or enjoy simple pleasures. Although their situations are unsatisfactory, they are not actually unhappy and

make no effort to change their circumstances. This makes them rather dull as companions, and are unable to fulfil their true potential. When ill, they are over-accepting of medical prognoses such as “.. you must learn to live with it ..’ They are resigned, rather than depressed, at the prospect, and accept life the way it is. they lack energy and ambition.

Benefits of the Wild Rose Flower Medicine;

- helps to bring lively interest in life, work and the world in general. -helps to create more ambition and a sense of purpose, good heath and enjoyable friendships.

- Also helps to accept responsibility for their own life and circumstances and use their initiative to make changes.

38) The Willow Personality: self-pity and resentment ..

The Willow Personality experiences self-pity and bitterness. They feel of being short-changed by life - “ I don’t deserve this. Why should this happen to me? “

They begrudge other people’s good luck, good health, happiness or success. They may be grumbling, sulky and irritable. This Personality is a difficult patient when ill, since they are never pleased or satisfied, preferring to see themselves as victims and are reluctant to admit to any improvement. Constantly maintaining resentment can affect one’s overall vitality and lead to poor general health.

Benefits of the Willow Medicine:

- allows one to forgive injustices and enjoy life, thereby attracting positive conditions and friends.

- also helps to no longer see themselves as a victim, as they take control of their own destiny.

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