create your own Bach Flower combination
Create your own Bach Flower Combination
Below is a list of the 38 Bach Flower Medicines, which are plant and flower based remedies that can help you manage the emotional demands of every day life. Recognising exactly how you feel is very important when it comes to choosing the most appropriate Bach Flower Remedy. Each remedy aids a specific emotion.
Choose up to 7 remedies that suit you best. Place 4 drops under the tongue, for up to 4 times a day.
Bach Flower medicines contain a 30% brandy base and 70% spring water.
Bach Flower Therapy is a wonderful way to become aware of our emotions and behavioural patterns, using Personality Archetypes.
Bach Flower medicines are safe and natural, and are a great support, not just for adults, but also children
having difficulty expressing themselves.
See the list of the 38 Bach Flower Medicines below and their corresponding emotional states and Personality Archetypes associated with each Bach Flower.
Read through them and and see which ones
resonate with you.
You can choose anywhere between 4-7 Flower Medicines, which assist you in navigating through your current challenges you may be experiencing.
Agrimony - Put on a cheerful face to hide problems
Aspen - Have unexplained fears and worries, are nervous and anxious
Beech - Are critical and intolerant of others
Centaury - Have difficulty in saying no and are anxious to please
Cerato - Doubt your own ability to judge situations
Cherry Plum - Fear losing control, are in a state of deep despair
Chestnut Bud - Fail to learn from experience, repeating the same mistakes
Chicory - Are overly possessive, expect others to conform to your values
Clematis - Day-dream and generally have a lack of interest in the present
Crab Apple - Have poor self-image, are ashamed or embarrassed by unpleasant physical symptoms, characteristics or features
Elm - Feel overwhelmed or burdened by responsibility
Gentian - Are easily discouraged, hesitant and despondent
Gorse - Fell hopelessness and despair, and are pessimistic
Heather - Are self-absorbed, dislike being alone, and are excessively talkative
Holly - Have feelings of extreme jealousy, are envious and suspicious
Honeysuckle - Live in the past, feeling homesick or nostalgic
Hornbeam - Get the "Monday morning" felling, doubting the ability to face the day's work
Impatiens - Are impatient and easily irritated
Larch - Lack self-confidence, and feel inferior
Mimulus - Have a fear rooted in know causes ie: spiders, flying, death
Mustard - Experience unexplained deep gloom
Oak - Are driven by a strong sense of duty, and struggle on although exhausted
Olive - Feel exhausted in body and mind
Pine - Feel full of guilt and blame yourself for other people's mistakes
Red Chestnut - Are over-anxious or over-concerned for others
Rescue Remedy - Are in a demanding or stressful situation
Rock Rose - Have experienced terror, have been frozen in fear and feel helpless
Rock Water - Are inflexible, setting yourself very high standards
Scleranthus - Suffer from indecision
Start of Bethlehem - Have experienced shock, grief or a fright
Sweet Chestnut - Are at the limits of endurance and in deep despair
Vervain - Are determined, highly strung, over-achieving and keyed-up
Vine - Are strong-willed with a tendency to be domineering or inflexible
Walnut - Face major life changes, are in need of protection from the influences of others
Water Violet - Prefer to be alone, or are proud, and aloof
White Chestnut - Have unwanted thoughts, preoccupations and worries
Wild Oat - Are uncertain as to the correct path in life, dissatisfied with your current lifestyle, and can't decide which path to follow
Wild Rose - Make little effort to improve situations
Willow - Are resentful and have feeling of self-pity, "poor me" or "life is not fair"
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Agrimony - Put on a cheerful face to hide problems
Aspen - Have unexplained fears and worries, are nervous and anxious
Beech - Are critical and intolerant of others
Centaury - Have difficulty in saying no and are anxious to please
Cerato - Doubt your own ability to judge situations
Cherry Plum - Fear losing control, are in a state of deep despair
Chestnut Bud - Fail to learn from experience, repeating the same mistakes
Chicory - Are overly possessive, expect others to conform to your values
Clematis - Day-dream and generally have a lack of interest in the present
Crab Apple - Have poor self-image, are ashamed or embarrassed by unpleasant physical symptoms, characteristics or features
Elm - Feel overwhelmed or burdened by responsibility
Gentian - Are easily discouraged, hesitant and despondent
Gorse - Fell hopelessness and despair, and are pessimistic
Heather - Are self-absorbed, dislike being alone, and are excessively talkative
Holly - Have feelings of extreme jealousy, are envious and suspicious
Honeysuckle - Live in the past, feeling homesick or nostalgic
Hornbeam - Get the "Monday morning" felling, doubting the ability to face the day's work
Impatiens - Are impatient and easily irritated
Larch - Lack self-confidence, and feel inferior
Mimulus - Have a fear rooted in know causes ie: spiders, flying, death
Mustard - Experience unexplained deep gloom
Oak - Are driven by a strong sense of duty, and struggle on although exhausted
Olive - Feel exhausted in body and mind
Pine - Feel full of guilt and blame yourself for other people's mistakes
Red Chestnut - Are over-anxious or over-concerned for others
Rescue Remedy - Are in a demanding or stressful situation
Rock Rose - Have experienced terror, have been frozen in fear and feel helpless
Rock Water - Are inflexible, setting yourself very high standards
Scleranthus - Suffer from indecision
Start of Bethlehem - Have experienced shock, grief or a fright
Sweet Chestnut - Are at the limits of endurance and in deep despair
Vervain - Are determined, highly strung, over-achieving and keyed-up
Vine - Are strong-willed with a tendency to be domineering or inflexible
Walnut - Face major life changes, are in need of protection from the influences of others
Water Violet - Prefer to be alone, or are proud, and aloof
White Chestnut - Have unwanted thoughts, preoccupations and worries
Wild Oat - Are uncertain as to the correct path in life, dissatisfied with your current lifestyle, and can't decide which path to follow
Wild Rose - Make little effort to improve situations
Willow - Are resentful and have feeling of self-pity, "poor me" or "life is not fair"
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